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YOI - a variety of forms PartII

The Present Situation of Ceramic Art Form consisting of the clay partXVI
 | A period: 2019. 4.27 sat-6.23 sun
 | Artist
408 <as for the artist list>
It is an exhibition having you exhibit plan exhibition "YOI - a variety of forms partII" at our gallery and artist of 408 people whom there was of the relationship along a theme.
"Get drunk on liquor under the theme of "is good" this time," the "good time in/is good" "evening" of the good or bad…I had you produce it for nado, free interpretation and an idea.
■Talk event but "it is heated first to be heated!"
■A lecturer: Representative of Hiroko Ishinabe dress club
Hiroko Ishinabe presides over the meeting of collectors "dress club" purchasing "at least one point of work for one year" and says saying "I like the work which a face of the artist is seen!". I had you recite a thing or thought felt in the activity by the talk.
Venue scenery 1
Venue scenery 1
Venue scenery 2
Venue scenery 2
Talk event
Talk event
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