TOP > Exhibition > Past exhibition <2015-2011>20152015-11-21Wish upon a fire and myself2015-09-05The Present Situation of Ceramic Art - Mainly Ushida collection -2015 age fall collection exhibition2015-08-22I made a clock with soil! The tenth memory exhibition2015-05-30The Present Situation of Ceramic Art - Mainly Ushida collection -2015 age summer collection exhibition2015-04-11Ramen bowl exhibition of the MINO2015-03-20The Present Situation of Ceramic Art Form consisting of the clay in ART FAIR TOKYO 20152015-02-28The Present Situation of Ceramic Art Form consisting of the clayRSS(別ウィンドウで開きます)20142014-12-20Object Matters: Modern expression over a concept and the subject matter of Japan2014-10-25Contemporary ceramics - Mainly Ushida collection―2014-09-11Harumi Nakashima, Akira Maeda Hakuten2014-08-16I made a clock with soil! ten part92014-04-26TOTTE - FORM of GRIP -PartII2014-03-07The Present Situation of Ceramic Art Form consisting of the clay in ART FAIR TOKYO 20142014-01-25The Present Situation of Ceramic Art Form consisting of the clay -PartXIIIRSS(別ウィンドウで開きます)20132013-11-23The Present Situation of Ceramic Art - Form consisting of the clay PartXII2013-09-08Change III of the glass2013-07-13The Present Situation of Ceramic Art - Form consisting of the clay Return of ART FAIR TOKYO 20132013-05-18Contemporary ceramics - Mainly Ushida collection2013-03-22The Present Situation of Ceramic Art - Form consisting of the clay -Tokyo Limited2013-02-10The Present Situation of Ceramic Art - Form consisting of the clay PartⅪRSS(別ウィンドウで開きます)20122012-10-07Hiroshi Sakai exhibition2012-06-16It is nari rukatachi PartX from The Present Situation of Ceramic Art soil2012-04-14WAN - a variety of forms2012-02-05The Present Situation of Ceramic Art Form consisting of the clay -PartIXRSS(別ウィンドウで開きます)20112011-10-08Japanese X Faenza The Present Situation of Ceramic Art2011-09-10Harumi Nakashima exhibition2011-06-11Change PartII of the glass2011-04-16Nowness II2011 to see in CHATOU molding and a design2011-03-12It is nari rukatachi PartVIII from The Present Situation of Ceramic Art soil2011-02-06The Present Situation of Ceramic Art Form consisting of the clay -PartVII2011-01-08”UTSUWA” Now and Next PartIIIRSS(別ウィンドウで開きます)